15 May 2016

Ghana's third political force

The current practice whereby a party in opposition documents the failures of the current regime and then present the same to the electorate as reasons why the current regime has to be changed is worrying. Both parties actually engage in this practice whenever they find themselves out of power. Some are just allegations and outright lies!

Many Ghanaians are beginning to get fed up with what is currently turning into a two-party state. Some are calling for a third political force which will help restore confidence, hope, patriotism, and sacrifice in the nation.

Current Practice

The two major political parties in Ghana, the New Patriotic Party (NPP) and
the National Democratic Congress (NDC) have all tasted power in the fourth republic, the latter more than the former. Hence, this nation has already tasted what each one can offer.

The current regime also goes back into history and talks about the failures of the past regime and tries to assign reasons why they were voted out of power. They magnify the little successes they chalked and even advertise the same.

Progressive People's Party Ghana
Progressive Peoples Party, Ghana
There is always banter in the media, both print and electronic. And the media has also become fixated on those two to the detriment of the smaller parties which sometimes have great ideas.

It is on the back of all these and more that many concerned Ghanaians are calling for a change to the status quo. A third political force is what many are calling for. They believe a third force will bring sanity to the political discourse and spark creative thinking around the problems we face as a nation. A third political force will stop the "merry-go-round" blame game.

Most Ghanaians consider voting for a smaller party they think might not win the ultimate as a throwing away of one's vote. I disagree with that way of thinking. Can you imagine what will happen if all those who think that way actually decide to vote for this party? The result will be a shocker! Small drops of rain can cause huge floods.

The Third Force

In the year 2012, the Progressive Peoples Party (PPP) was formed after its leader, Dr Papa Kwesi Nduom, fell out with the Convention Peoples Party (CPP) which he was a member of and even became the candidate of the party in the 2008 general elections. In the 2012 elections, the PPP lived up to its billing of becoming the third political force in Ghanaian politics when it came third after the final results were announced.

So far, I think the PPP has lived up to its billing of becoming the third force in Ghanaian politics. The party always makes its stand known in big matters of national concern, either through its leader, Dr Papa Kwesi Nduom, or its executives. They actually carry themselves about as a party interested in winning elections, unlike the other smaller parties which appear to have lost their cause. Some of these smaller parties have no intentions of annexing power in the foreseeable future. They will, therefore, defend either the NDC or NPP, albeit in opposition. I sometimes refer to them as hypocrites.

The PPP has leaders of integrity who are incorruptible. They are therefore not afraid to make their stance known on any issue, no matter whose ox is gored.

What do you think? Should the PPP be given the nod to lead this nation in 2017?


  1. In the 2012 presidential elections, invalid votes came to 251,270 out of the 11m votes cast. By way of contrast, the following were cast for the presidential candidates for these parties
    CPP 20,323
    PNC 24,617
    Gcpp 38,223
    PPP 64,362
    Ufp 8,877
    All independent candidates 15,201
    Thusly, invalid votes exceeded the sum of votes obtained by the CPP, PNC, GCPP, PPP, UFP and all the independent presidential candidates.
    It defies common sense to take these parties seriously n it'll be comedic to offer these marginal parties n candidates a platform on our electoral role
    Let's be serious. The facts shd speak for us. Meanwhile u seem to want to be a mouth piece for the PPP in a fruitless effort to help whip some sense to the shrewd electorate during de Nov 7 elections

  2. Yes, the number of spoilt ballots are higher than that of the PPP's figure and all the smaller parties. This means a lot of people still don't know how to cast a valid vote during elections. It doesn't mean anything for the PPP or the other political parties. It only highlights how illiterate the electorate is.

    Considering the numbers you just gave, the PPP gained more than double the number of votes the CPP, PPP UFP, and GCPP. Even the independent candidates combined didn't make any difference like the PPP did. This should tell you that, given the needed support, the PPP could become the other force we are craving for. Remember, that was their first outing in a major election.

    By the way, I have no links with any of the political parties in Ghana, the PPP inclusive. I am however, not neutral. I have a take on everything that affects me.

    Thanks for your opinion. I very much appreciate.
